The village of Hunawihr lies between Riquewihr and Ribeauvillé and was built on the sides of a narrow valley. The village name comes from the name of the wife of one of the first lords of the country and Latin villare Hune (farm). Hune was made to serve the poor and washed their clothes at the fountain (fountain Ste Hune, still exists), she died in 679 and was beatified April 15, 1520 by the Bishop of Basel by Pope Leo X.
Originally the church was a chapel that was transformed over the centuries in fortified church as we know it today. The construction of the church as it stands today dates from the 14th and 15th centuries.
Attached to the counts of Montbéliard-Württemberg, Hunawihr residents were forced to convert to Protestantism to reform. It took Louis the 14th and the installation of seven Catholic families (1687) for the Catholic religion can be reintroduced into the church. The simultaneum (both Roman Catholic and Protestant in the same place) is still in practice today. And if the past cohabitation does not come without problems, now the two communities live more serenely.
For you oenophiles, the ’crus’ of Hunawihr have an excellent reputation.